Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, What 'Cha Gonna Do?

Friday night Ashlee and I went to see a movie and on the way back we stoped at a red light like any law abiding citizen. The light turned green but i did not go for the reason that we heard police sirens comming down the street that i was about to cross. I saw a car in the oncoming lane across the street jump forward and then stop. The next thing I knew was there were at least fifteen police cars in the intersection. All of which surounded that car that I took note of a moment before. The police jumped out of thier cars and pulled out guns and yelled at the people in the car. At this point Ashlee said "He's got a gun!" I thought that she was talking about the police and i thought to my self..."yeah..." but she ment the guy in the car. Of course our natural reaction was to roll up the windows. Think about it. What would you do? as our windows went up a police helicopter flew over head with spotlight glaring. finally I put the car in reverse and cut through a parking lot to get away from the scene. all and all I thought that it was pretty awesome. Not that it was cool that something like this happens but it was just a pretty amazing sight to see. Ashlee was not happy that I thought it was awesome because she saw it as crazy bad... which is true.


Blogger yack said...

Yo Patrick! Rule number uno in a relationship. If she thinks something is bad, and you thought it was awesome - when she says it is bad, you just smile and AGREE. Get it? Got it? Good. My that must have been so cool! Whoops, I mean, HOW TERRIBLE! Thank goodness nothing happened!

When you jammed that car in reverse and darted through the parking lot - you must have been like BATMAN in the BATMOBILE. Awesome man...

9:41:00 PM  
Blogger Patrick Knable said...

when i made the batman move i was thinking more like: "i wanna stay and see what happens" but i like you thinking of me as batman-like

11:18:00 AM  
Blogger yack said...

Like Kramer (see and search for "Batman"...) - one of my favorite Seinfeld moments. :)

I'm glad you stayed out of harm's way :)


12:10:00 AM  
Blogger Katie Y. said...

LOL! to the posts and comments. actually more like rotfl, but yeah.

10:18:00 AM  

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