Sunday, April 30, 2006

Songs and Poetry

I started writing a song tonight. When I first began I wanted to write a worship song. i wanted that song to be different from most worship songs. I got a good start, i think, but it doesn't seem very worshipful to me... No... it seems very worshipful to me but i don't think that it is a good corporate worship song. that is... i can't see other people singing along and connecting with God. maybe if they sat and listened they might be sturred and lift God up but i wanted to write a song that could be sung by a group and be worshipful as a group. i'm a little frustrated with the fact that i'm unable to control how my song turns out. but i can't be completely upset because i think that i have the foundations for a good song. a song that i will enjoy and God with enjoy even if we're the only ones. That's a good thing.
Why is it so hard to do the things that make the God we love happy? I think that some one else is pulling strings of emotion and motivation. and he hates when we create. he hates even more when we create beauty. so create and create beautifully.

You are
You are
the true God

Saturday, April 29, 2006


My buddy Matt Blogged this and it blew my mind:

rev 2:17

a person cannot name themselves...

they must wait...

for God

or Satan...

to tell them who they are

I'll be chewing on this for a bit

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Back On The Blog-Wagon

I'm posting. if anyone is still reading this.
a lot's gone down in the past however long. The biggest thing is that I'm getting married this June 10th to the perfect girl for me, Ashlee, and I'm pretty much pumped for that. but on a random note: what are some cool slang terms for money? of course there is "bucks", "cash", "smakeroos", "bones", "flow", and my favorite "Scratch" can you think of any others? i want to get a complete list.