Monday, February 21, 2005

My return to blogging

i tried to blog before but i didn't have much to say or many people to listen. so here is attempt number two. i'll try to be thoughtfull, interesting, fun, cool and random. that might be a high goal but that's the plan for now.

my first post is gonna be a little sad: my dad has cancer and i just got back from visting the family. most of the time i don't know what to think about anything. but when my thoughts are making some sense i mostly think about how much my family loves me. especialy my dad. there is no one that i look up to as much as my dad. he is such an example of how a godly man should be. he is loving, wise, strong, and a great leader. he was once (in my eyes at least) of infinite power and strength. but now he can't even hug people because he could get sick easy. but when i was saying my goodbyes he hugged me like it was imposible to let me go with out it. i don't understand what God's plan is and i feel like everything is very surrreal and a little bit like i'm not really here. i don't know if my arms are touching anything even though i know they are. i'm detatched from the world a little bit right now and i'm ok with that. it helps me see that what is going on here is not all that is going on. in the middle of all this chaos i know that God has his hand here and that he is loving and all knowing and all powerfull and i can feel him. i don't really know how in one part of my life things can be so crappy and crewed up and i don't know what God is doing but at the same time there can be such great things happening and i can see the good that God is doing. also there is comfort in knowing that God will not put us through anything that we can't handle. God is so good. i love Him b/c He chooses to not see my sins but rather see me as clean and perfect even though he knows that i am not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe It or Not
(Acts 12:1–19)

God must have a sense of humor.

You and I can’t read the account of Peter’s release from prison, and the furor at the house of Mary in Jerusalem, without seeing how funny it all was.

There’s Peter, pounding on the door, while inside the house a whole group of despondent Christians is praying desperately for his safety. And when the servant girl runs in the room, shouting that she’s heard Peter’s voice outside, nobody believes her. “You’re out of your mind,” they tell her. Peter was in prison, about to be executed. If the girl really heard his voice, “It must be his angel [ghost].”

If you ever thought that getting an answer to prayer depends on firmly believing the answer will come, well, this story ought to raise a few doubts. The gathered church certainly hoped that God would save Peter. But believe it? Why, they didn’t even believe it when the prayer was answered!

I suspect that God must have been chuckling over the scene with something like delight.

“Surprise!” you can almost hear Him shout. And as the gathered Christians realized Peter really was free, and jumped for joy, the Lord may well have laughed an infectious, happy laugh, right out loud.

Oh, yes. God can answer prayer, even when our faith is weak and doubts are strong. So when you pray don’t worry if you’re not totally positive about what God will do. Just remember the folks in Acts 12, who told a servant girl, “You’re out of your mind,” when she reported that Peter stood at the door.

Just pray. And expect to be surprised

4:32:00 PM  

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